Created by Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. in 1958, Alvin and the Chipmunks is a five time Grammy Award winning animated music group. The group consisted of three talking chipmunks (Alvin, the mischievous trouble maker, Simon, the smart one with glasses and Theodore, the chubby sweetheart). In the past, the chipmunks were shown as cartoons and now they are shown in a full length movie as anthropomorphic chipmunks.
The movie begins in a tree farm where the three chipmunks are storing acorns for the winter whilst singing 'Bad Day' (by Daniel Powter). Seconds later their tree is cut down and taken to Los Angeles where it is place in the middle of Jett Records recording company and fitted with tinsel and wrapping and Christmas decorations. They abandon the tree and jump into the basket of Dave Seville (who is a songwriter) only to be thrown into a trashcan with the basket.
After escaping from the trashcan and messing up his entire house the chipmunks are discovered and thrown outside. They stand next to the window and sing a song. Dave opens the window and lets them in. He then explains to them that they must sing his song to stay there for the night. Even though they make Dave lose his job and girlfriend, they become the biggest pop sensation the world had ever seen and give Dave his job and his girlfriend back. But shortly after their first performance the record executive Ian Hawke begins to break the family up. Hawke takes the chipmunks on tour not realizing the damage he is doing to their vocal cords. Meanwhile what is Dave doing? And what will happen to his little family?
This movie was one of the funniest I have ever come across and I would love to see it again and again.
Here are some memorable quotes from the movie that I loved
David Seville: [picks up a sandwich from the floor]
Simon: we put a few toaster waffles aside for winter
Theodore: and we're not sharing!
David Seville: guys, we're gonna have food all winter so if you start storing it, it's gonna get gross and we're gonna have rodent - ...
Simon: [looks at dave]
Theodore: [looks at dave]
Alvin: [looks at dave]
David Seville: bad you know... non-talking rodents around here
David Seville: [sees Theodore eating something small and brown] Whoa Theodore, did you just-?
Alvin: Relax Dave, it's just a raisin.
David Seville: Prove it.
Alvin: [swipes the 'raisin' and eats it] Mmm-hmm.
David Seville: Okay.
Alvin: [he leaves]
Alvin: [quickly spits it out and points a finger at Theodore] Dude, you owe me big time!
Theodore: Oh...
David Seville: Chipmunks don't talk.
Simon: Our lips are moving and words are coming out.
Alvin: [during a chase] They'll never take us alive!
Simon: [in the cat carrier] They just did take us alive, Alvin!
Alvin: Don't ya wish yo girlfriend was hot like me? Don't ya wish yo girlfriend was a freak like me?
Alvin: [Dave opens dishwasher] AH!
David Seville: Get out.
Alvin: I'm waiting for the rinse cycle!
I highly recommend this movie, it was catchy and funny and it all rolled into one memorable movie.
Tsoof and Eden love to download full movies from the Internet.